Do you struggle to curl your straight lashes? Follow along to learn how to curl your lashes the right way.
I’ll show you 3 different tools you can use as well as some tips and tricks that the beauty industry doesn’t explicitly share.
Even if you don’t like wearing a lot of makeup, you can curl your eyelashes, without mascara, and it will give a wow effect.
Before we get started, I want to let you know that you only need one of the tools/options out of all of the options. Follow along and choose what works best for you.
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Tools and materials:
- Eyelash curler (see below for types)
- Mirror
- teaspoon
Basic eyelash curler
Option 1: Basic eyelash curler
These are my favorite eyelash curlers.They look the same, but the difference is how wide they open.
If you have particularly short lashes, you can use a curler that doesn’t open as wide.
Whereas someone with long lashes (or if using false lashes) will need one that opens a bit more.
Also, the curves of each curler are slightly different. Try them out to see which works better for your eye shape.
Basic eyelash curler
Now let’s learn how to use an eyelash curler:
1. Check your eyelash curler
First, check the life of the rubber strip. Make sure it is clean of makeup residue. Also, check that it’s not broken or cracked because this could damage your lashes.
Basic eyelash curler
Many brands come with replacements of this rubber piece. You don’t need to buy this many–you can find packs of just a few.
Also, it’s good to know that they are pretty much universal for most brands of eyelash curlers.
Basic eyelash curler
2. Curl the roots
Start by placing your mirror lower than your face, so that you have a good angle without blocking the view with the curler.
Look downward, open the eyelash curler and ensure that all of your top lashes make it into the curler.
Basic eyelash curler
Now, very slowly, get close to the roots and pinch carefully, making sure not to grab any skin.
Once you’re sure you didn’t catch any skin, press lightly and repeatedly.
Basic eyelash curler
Can you see the difference between both eyes?
3: Curl the mid and the ends
Next, go in a second time, but with the eyelash curler a bit farther away from the skin and pinch the mid section of the top lashes.
Then, do the same thing for the ends of the lashes. This will ensure that you don’t create an L shape, but smoothly curved lashes.
Curled eyelashes
Option 2: Curved, individual lash curler
Curved, individual lash curler
I especially like this type when I’m applying individual lashes, to get each lash in the direction that I want.
It also works amazingly if you have extremely short eyelashes.
1. Place the curler carefully
Go in very carefully, as with the first type, so as not to pull any skin.
Curved, individual lash curler
2. Curl roots, middle, then ends
Do the same process–roots, middle and ends. Look at the difference!
Curled eyelashes
Option 3: Teaspoon method
1. Set up your mirror and practice with the spoon
Start by placing the mirror low and tilting your chin slightly upward so as not to block your view with the spoon.
We will use the spoon in a similar way like when curling a ribbon. To use the spoon, hold it like this:
How to curl eyelashes with a spoon
See the video at 9:13 -9:21 for the exact way to press the spoon against your thumb while curling.
Here, I’m using a tissue in place of the lashes to demonstrate.
Being careful not to snag any skin on the way, gently pull the spoon from the roots to the ends with the spoon, against your thumb.
How to curl eyelashes with a spoon
Using this motion, go along section by section, until you’ve curled all of your lashes.
How to curl eyelashes with a spoon
Not bad for a kitchen utensil!
Curled eyelashes
On the side where I’m holding up my hand I’ve used the spoon, and on the other side I used an eyelash curler.
How to curl your eyelashes
How to curl your eyelashes
You can choose whichever method works for you but I personally prefer an eyelash curler.
That being said, some people swear by the spoon method, you just need to practice to get it right.
I hope you found this tutorial helpful! Now that you’ve learned how to curl your eyelashes in 3 different ways, which method will you choose?
Let me know in the comments below.
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